2012-10月号 OCTOBER

特集= 耐震の今─成熟から拡張へ

Earthquake-Resistance Now─ From Maturity to Expansion


特集前言 社会的課題としての耐震―進路を導く現状認識を





000連載 再建への意志:図面のなかの都市復興
002連載 東日本大震災|連続ルポ1|動き出す被災地
004連載 東日本大震災|連続ルポ2|仮すまいの姿

特集 耐震の今:成熟から拡張へ

006特集前言 社会的課題としての耐震─進路を導く現状認識を
010巻頭座談会 巨大地震に耐震は機能したか
塩原等 × 西山功 × 目黒公郎 × 源栄正人

第1部 耐震の今と3.11
025コラム 計測震度と建物被害/境有紀
026アンケートから見た耐震技術者の意識:3.11をどうとらえたか/小林正人 + 永野正行
028コラム グローバリゼーション時代の構造エンジニア/金田充弘

第2部 これからの耐震

040巻末座談会 建築の耐震に期待すること
池田浩敬 × 佐土原聡 × 深澤義和 × 福和伸夫

045編集後記 田村和夫 + 加藤研一 + 樫本信隆

045次号予告 2012年11月号|特集:トーキョー・アーバニズム

046特集を読んで 2012年8月号|特集:広島[ヒロシマ]・長崎[ナガサキ]

047連載 建築の争点
048連載 なぜ私は建築を選んだか
049連載 Architect Politician
050連載 地域いろいろ・多様な日本

Preface to the Special Issue: Earthquake Resistance As a Social Issue
- Understanding the Status Quo That Leads the Way

After Meiji, the modern techniques and systems of earthquake resistance in building structures have always improved by taking lessons from actual cases of damage. After enforcement of the new seismic regulations in 1981, which were motivated by the 1978 Miyagi-kenoki Earthquake, further evaluation and revision followed based on the 1995 Hyougoken-Nanbu Earthquake, and the innovation of new techniques such as base isolation and vibration control have since progressed. So, vis-a-vis the earthquake resistance that had just come to maturity, what impact did the 2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake bring?
 The realization of the condition widely heard about just after the disaster was that although there were no major problems with buildings' main structures, thanks to the new seismic regulations, other issues did come to the surface: tsunami damage, damage to nonstructural elements, liquefaction, and so on. At the same time, problems such as buildings' and cities' functional maintenance and the possibility of their recovery were pointed out. Under the highly networked social and economic activity, life protection is not the only thing required for earthquake resistance. It seems that the Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake is also influencing assumptions about catastrophic earthquakes hereafter and is raising and stretching the image of earthquake resistance's goal, which should be achieved. Hence, changes in social structure and cities and real estate issues cannot avoid being involved. Since Meiji, probably no other age has asked for such an expansion in earthquake resistance.
 Of course, earthquake resistance was not only a technical issue but also a social, economic, and political issue. But while asking anew about the process and characteristics of maturity in the twentieth century, it must be true that comprehensive arguments based on wider horizons and on the flexible literacy for those arguments are becoming increasingly indispensable in a future social and natural environment.
 The Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake gave us lots of data with which to inspect earthquake ground motion and actual buildings' seismic performance. During the year and more since the disaster, that data has been diversely analyzed, and both technical and institutional arguments are developing. Realizations and points of view, whose impression is different from that right after the disaster, may have been found.
 Although it is said to be a super catastrophic earthquake that occurs only once every thousand years, what kind of earthquake was it in view of building vibration? And now, in terms of standpoint and angle, where do the experts focus to confirm problems, and how are they seeking the future course?

The opening page contains "Chronology - The Record of Earthquake Resistance" (by the Editorial Board) to clearly show the correspondence between major earthquakes in Japan and technical and institutional developments in earthquake resistance.
 In the opening conversation Hitoshi Shiohara, Isao Nishiyama, Kimiro Meguro, and Masato Motosaka comprehensively discuss how effectively today's earthquake resistance could have met the Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake. Some widely disputed points are shown: the efficacy of national technical standards and of institutional standards and criteria, the issue of academic discipline, the issue of weak stock, the importance of micro-zoning, and so on.
 Theoretical verifications follow in part 1. After an article about the characteristics of the observed earthquake ground motion, writers, while picking up individually the kinds of structures (reinforced concrete buildings, steel building structures, base-isolated and response-controlled buildings, wooden buildings, and so on), the kinds of technical factors and regions (such as foundations and measures against liquefaction), and, moreover, the kinds of systems (the progress until now in seismic rehabilitation, seismic regulations, and so on), write an evaluation of the status quo, the characteristic issues, and the outlook hereafter for each kind. In addition, based on the results of a December 2011 questionnaire for earthquake-resistance engineers, they outline how experts perceived the Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake.
 In part 2, it is asked how future seismic issues should be set up on the basis of assumed Tokai, Tonankai, and Nankai earthquakes, or a near-field earthquake in a metropolitan area. Following several arguments - about the management required for skyscrapers; the issues of design conditions for high-level ground motion; the elimination of falling accidents involving nonstructural elements; the seismic safety of lift systems; the improving seismic safety of furniture, utensils, and equipment; and the seismic strengthening of existent stocks - the idea of getting earthquake resistance as an issue connected to the extensive fields of cities and societies, and of realizing it as a social system is discussed.
 For the closing conversation Hirotaka Ikeda, Satoru Sadohara, Yoshikazu Fukasawa, and Nobuo Fukuwa were invited to widely and diversely  discuss what is expected of future earthquake resistance, including the positions of environmental engineering and city planning.

Editorial Board
This issue has been edited by Kazuo Tamura (Chiba Institute of Technology), Kenichi Kato (KOBORI RESEARCH COMPLEX INC.), and Nobutaka Kashimoto (Nikken Sekkei Ltd.)


000[Series] The Resolve to Rebuilding: City Reconstruction in Blueprint
Reconstruction Plans for Beirut (1933/1992) / Kosuke Matsubara
002[Series] Great East Japan Earthquake Serial Report 1
Devastated Areas Have Just Started to Stir Report on the Status Quo in Urayasu, a Liquefaction-Disaster Tokyo Bay Area
─How to Take the Next Near-Field Earthquake in a Metropolitan Area / Tsuneaki Nakano
004[Series] Great East Japan Earthquake Serial Report 2
Life in Temporary Housing Wives from Abroad in Local Communities / Naoko Yamada

Special Feature
Earthquake Resistance Now: From Maturity to Expansion

006[Preface to the Special Issue] Earthquake Resistance As a Social Issue ─Understanding the Status Quo That Leads the Way
008The Record of Earthquake Resistance / Editorial Board
010[Discussion] Did Earthquake Resistance Work for the Catastrophic Earthquake?
Hitoshi Shiohara × Isao Nishiyama × Kimiro Meguro × Masato Motosaka

Part1 Earthquake Resistance Now and On 3.11
014How Well Had Earthquakes and Earthquake Ground Motion Been Understood? / Susumu Ohno
016Recent Earthquake Damages and Seismic Performance Levels of Reinforced Concrete Buildings / Toshimi Kabeyasawa
018Seismic Safety of Existing Steel Building Structures / Mitsumasa Midorikawa
019The Recent Safety of Buildings with Base Isolation and Vibration Control / Taiki Saito
020The Seismic Performance of Wooden Buildings / Yoshimitsu Ohashi
022Seismic Design of Foundations and Measures against Liquefaction / Shoichi Nakai
023Recent Efforts Based on the Act for Promotion of Renovation for Earthquake-Resistant Structures / Ryo Maeta
024Seismic Regulations from the View of 3.11 Disasters / Hiroshi Fukuyama
025Column Instrumental Seismic Intensity and Building Damage / Yuki Sakai
026Awareness of Experts on Earthquake Engineering from a Questionnaire Investigation: How Does the 3.11 Disaster Impact Them? / Masahito Kobayashi + Masayuki Nagano
028Column Structural Engineers in the Age of Globalization / Mitsuhiro Kanada

Part2 Future Earthquake Resistance
029Seismic Performance Levels Required for Skyscrapers / Haruyuki Kitamura
031High-level Ground Motions and Seismic Design / Yasuhiro Hayashi
032Toward the Elimination of Falling Accidents Involving Nonstructural Elements ─From Mere Earthquake Resistance to Genuine Safety and Security / Kenichi Kawaguchi
034Seismic Safety of Elevator and Escalator Systems / Satoshi Fujita
035Improvement of Indoor Seismic Safety of Buildings (Furniture, Building Equipment) / Mika Kaneko
036The Efficacy of Seismic Strengthening and Hereafter / Reiji Tanaka
038Earthquake Resistance in Cities and Societies / U Hiroi

040[Discussion] Expectations from Architectural Earthquake Resistance / Hirotaka Ikeda × Satoru Sadohara × Yoshikazu Fukasawa × Nobuo Fukuwa

045[Editor's Postscripts] Kazuo Tamura + Kenichi Kato + Nobutaka Kashimoto

045[Previews of Coming Issues] 2012, November: Tokyo Urbanism ─Driving Forces, Risks, and Lifescape

046[Reviews of Previous Issue] 2012, August: Hiroshima and Nagasaki: City, Peace and Architects
Recalling the Flash, and the Outside View of Hiroshima and Nagasaki / Fukuo Akimoto
Hiroshima and Nagasaki as Sites of Life-Reconstruction, and Issues of "the Public" / Hiroshi Nunokawa

047[Series] Issues in Architecture
Environmental Symbiosis─What Living Together Is / Akio Hayashi
048[Series] Why and How I Chose Architecture
A Job in My Own Backyard / Yasutaka Konishi
049[Series] Architect Politician
John O. Norquist, a Popular Mayor who Became the CNU President / Hiroyuki Sasaki
050[Series] Local Identities: Diverse Japan
Walking Around Echigo-Tsumari Art Field / Hitoshi Watanabe