2013-7月号 JULY
特集前言 ジャングルの地図を描く:建築系学会の生態系を見直すために
000 | 連載 再建への意志:図面のなかの都市復興 ファイアー・ウォールとなった防火建築帯─秋田県大館市/角哲 |
002 | 連載 東日本大震災|連続ルポ1|動き出す被災地 復興支援員制度の一年目/石塚直樹 |
004 | 連載 東日本大震災|連続ルポ2|仮すまいの姿 仮設住宅試行─フクシマトクシマの会/内野輝明 |
006 | 特集前言 ジャングルの地図を描く─建築系学会の生態系を見直すために |
008 | 対談 福島真人 × 村松伸 |
014 | 日本建築学会会員から見た学会界/会誌編集委員会 |
019 | 1. 一般社団法人 エネルギー・資源学会 2. 形の科学会 3. 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 4. 建築史学会 5. 一般社団法人 建築鉄骨構造技術支援協会 |
020 | 6. 一般社団法人 交通工学研究会 7. 国際なかなか遺産推進委員会 8. 骨材資源工学会 9. 公益社団法人 こども環境学会 10. 公益社団法人 地盤工学会 11. 棚田学会 |
021 | 12. 多摩ニュータウン学会 13. 地中海学会 14. DOCOMOMO Japan 15. 公益社団法人 土木学会 16. 一般社団法人 日本医療福祉建築協会 17. 日本インテリア学会 |
022 | 18. 日本LCA学会 19. 一般社団法人 日本音響学会 20. 公益社団法人 日本火災学会 21. 一般社団法人 日本家政学会 22. 一般社団法人 日本風工学会 |
023 | 23. 一般社団法人 日本機械学会 24. 一般社団法人 日本教育学会 25. 一般社団法人 日本建築構造技術者協会 26. 日本建築仕上学会 27. 日本公衆衛生学会 |
024 | 28. 公益社団法人 日本コンクリート工学会 29. 日本災害復興学会 30. 公益社団法人 日本材料学会 31. 公益社団法人 日本地震工学会 32. 日本図学会 33. 日本生活学会 |
025 | 34. 公益社団法人 日本地理学会 35. 公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会 36. 日本ヒートアイランド学会 37. 日本民俗建築学会 |
026 | 38. 一般社団法人 日本木材学会 39. 農村計画学会 40. 文化資源学会 41. mAAN(アジア近代建築ネットワーク) |
027 | 対談 紺野登 × 南一誠 |
031 | 編集後記 饗庭伸 |
031 | 次号予告 2013年8月号|特集:アジアン・ハウジング・ナウ |
032 | 特集を読んで 2013年5月号|特集:建築評価の現在形:脱中心化・断片化・ローコンテクスト化する言説環境とそのゆくえ 何に向けての批評性か/河野裕 評価の基盤とは?/米田明 |
033 | 連載 建築の争点 歴史的建造物の安全対策、このままでよいのか?/大橋竜太 |
034 | 連載 ケンチク脳の育て方 街区の再生─歴史的建造物をめぐる教育プログラム/土本俊和 |
035 | 連載 ケンチク脳の活かし方 建築パースから絵本へ─手を動かして絵を描き続ける/青山邦彦 |
036 | 連載 地域いろいろ・多様な日本 民活刑務所を誘致したかつての炭鉱町/山本薫子 |
037 | 2013年日本建築学会役員 |
041 | 2013年度日本建築学会大会 |
Preface to the Special Issue: Drawing a Map of a Jungle: Reassessing the Ecosystem of Academic Societies around Architecture
There are so many academic societies in the world.
Right, then what phase is the extent of the group of architecture-related academic societies entering now?
All AIJ members, according to their individual interests, might see a small assembly of the group of academic societies as a view of a garden well-arranged in its own way. But a big assembly of the total group of academic societies around architecture is already a jungle of invisible outline, isn't it? Countless architecture-related academic societies have sprung up, and the members' activity ranges overlap complexly.
At first, Zoukagakkai, AIJ's antecedent, started in 1886 (Meiji 19) by separating from Kougakukai (currently the Japan Federation of Engineering Societies, established in 1879). Then, especially after the war, it would seem that many academic societies were established, but the circumstances surrounding the successive establishment of big, small, and varied academic societies belong to a very recent trend in a long history, don't they? Needless to say, the peculiarity and unity of a special field determine an academic society's outlines and are concerned with background relations between markets and society and politics, and with educational systems, including the reproduction of educators and scholars, all of which would change dynamically with the times. In that sense, the recent trend reflects tremors in the whole structure.
Come to think of it, we could also say that a mammoth academic society such as AIJ, with some 35,000 members, has a peculiarity based on its scale and synthesis, and forms a big ecosystem with many other related academic societies, each with different qualities. That ecosystem functions with uniform propriety while at the same time it surely must harbor latent dynamism that tends toward various blockages and some reorganization.
This feature, then, is an effort to make visible today's ecosystem of academic societies around architecture whose entropy so considerably increased. How can we use the circumstances and reflect them in drawing the future? We wonder if we can make a compass for it.
But it's not easy to map a jungle; it might require a special method such as statistical techniques. So the editorial board sent a web-questionnaire to members from February to March 2013 and put a notice in the journal for members who don't use e-mail and let them respond in other ways. Thanks to good member cooperation, we got more than 500 responses. At the same time, we asked representatives of each field and collected signed replies.
A tally by the editorial board showed that there are about 300 domestic and international academic societies that AIJ members participate in. And members were asked what significance they recognize and what kinds of problems they feel concerning academic societies in general. The results are organized several ways in part 2, "The World of Academic Societies from the Viewpoint of AIJ Members." And the domestic academic societies that the members participate in are gathered in the cover's graphics. Diagramming the size of each academic society, the number of members who participate in both AIJ and others, and so on makes visible the expanse of the ecosystem of academic societies around architecture and the linkages' quantitative strengths and weaknesses. In part 3, "A Conspectus of Academic Societies around Architecture," we pick up about forty academic societies from those recommended by members in questionnaire answers and introduce the basic information that they offered.
The talks in part 1 and part 2 help in learning to read the collected diagrams of academic societies around architecture that are made visible in this way. Part 1 is a talk by Masato Fukushima, whose subject is the dynamic ecosystem of learning, and by Shin Muramatsu, who has developed a new scholarly movement himself. They freely discuss how academic societies are born from a kind of logic, grow stiff, and undergo change. In part 4, Noboru Konno, who has studied knowledge creation in business organizations, and Kazunobu Minami, an expert in the cross-sectional and total field called the planning of building construction, survey the future of AIJ and all academic societies around architecture. Suggestive contentions such as viewpoints that reconsider the relations between organizations and society from the metalevel, the long-historic perspective, the relations between individuals and society, and so on are scattered.
Editorial Board
This issue has been edited by Shin Aiba (Tokyo Metropolitan University), Yasushi Takeuchi (Miyagi University) and Toshihiko Ninakawa (Kyushu University).
000 | [Series] The Resolve to Rebuilding: City Reconstruction in Blueprint A Fire-Preventive Building Zone That Became a Fire Wall─ Odate Akita / Satoru Kaku |
002 | [Series] Great East Japan Earthquake Serial Report 1 Devastated Areas Have Just Started to Stir The First Year of a Recovery-Supporter System / Naoki Ishizuka |
004 | [Series] Great East Japan Earthquake Serial Report 2 Life in Temporary Housing Temporary-Housing Trial─Fukushima-Tokushima no Kai / Teruaki Uchino |
006 | [Preface to the Special Issue] Drawing a Map of a Jungle─Reassessing the Ecosystem of Academic Societies around Architecture |
008 | [Dialogue] Masato Fukushima × Shin Muramatsu |
014 | The World of Academic Societies from the Viewpoint of AIJ Members / Editorial Board |
019 | 1. Japan Society of Energy and Resources 2. Society for Science on Form, Japan 3. The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 4. Society of Architectural Historians of Japan 5. Supporting Association for Building Steel Structural Technology |
020 | 6. Japan Society of Traffic Engineers 7. The Committee for the Promotion of "Naka-naka" Heritage Site 8. Japan Institute of Aggregate Technology 9. Association for Children's Environment 10. The Japanese Geotechnical Society 11. Rice Terrace Research Association |
021 | 12. Tama New Town Society 13. Collegium Mediterranistarum 14. DOCOMOMO Japan 15. Japan Society of Civil Engineers 16. Japan Institute of Healthcare Architecture 17. Japan Society for Interior Studies |
022 | 18. The Institute of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan 19. The Acoustical Society of Japan 20. Japan Association for Fire Science and Engineering 21. The Japan Society of Home Economics 22. Japan Association for Wind Engineering |
023 | 23. The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 24. Japanese Educational Research Association 25. Japan Structural Consultants Association 26. Japan Society for Finishing Technology 27. Japanese Society of Public Health |
024 | 28. Japan Concrete Institute 29. Japan Society for Disaster Recovery and Revitalization 30. The Society of Materials Science, Japan 31. Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering 32. Japan Society for Graphic Science 33. Japan Society of Lifology |
025 | 34. The Association of Japanese Geographers 35. The City Planning Institute of Japan 36. Heat Island Institute International 37. The Japan Society for Folk Architecture |
026 | 38. The Japan Wood Research Society 39. The Association of Rural Planning 40. The Association for the Study of Cultural Resources 41. mAAN |
027 | [Dialogue] Noboru Konno × Kazunobu Minami |
031 | [Editor's Postscripts] Shin Aiba |
031 | [Previews of Coming Issues] 2013, August|Asian Housing Now |
032 | [Reviews of Previous Issue] 2013, May|Evaluating Architectural Designs: Prospects for a Decentralized, Segmented, and Low-Context Discourse Environment What is the criticism for? / Hiroshi Kohno What Is the Basis of Evaluation? / Akira Yoneda |
033 | [Series] Issues in Architecture Is It Unquestionable for the Current Safety Measure on Historic Buildings? / Ryuta Ohashi |
034 | [Series] Cultivating Versatile Architects The Reclamation of Blocks─Education Programs Concerning Historic Buildings / Toshikazu Tsuchimoto |
035 | [Series] Architects Branch Out From Architectural Perspective to Picture Books─Keep Drawing and Moving the Hand / Kunihiko Aoyama |
036 | [Series] Local Identities: Diverse Japan A Former Coal Mine Town That Attracted a Private-Finance-Initiative Prison / Kahoruko Yamamoto |
037 | AIJ Officers 2013 |
041 | AIJ Annual Convention 2013 |