2012-6月号 JUNE

特集= エネルギーホーリック建築

Energy-holic Architecture


特集前言 建築とエネルギーの3. 11

 以上の事情と、制度環境の推移、建築分野の取組みなどについては関連する本誌バックナンバー2 を是非読み返していただきたい。


第1部「エネルギー 解体新書」では、これまで本誌ではあまり取り上げられることのなかった電力・石油・ガスの供給体制に目を向け、社会インフラとしての各エネルギーの特質、それぞれの震災時の状況と対応、今夏の電力需給問題、「3.11」以降のパラダイムなどについて検討し、また世界のエネルギー情勢と日本の位置を確認した。冒頭の座談会や記事では電力・石油・ガスの供給側から責任ある立場の方に参加・執筆いただくことができた。






000 連載 再建への意志:図面のなかの都市復興
クスコ 1650 年地震被害と地震守護聖人の誕生/メンドサ島田オルガ恵子
002 連載 東日本大震災|連続ルポ1|動き出す被災地
004 連載 東日本大震災|連続ルポ2|仮すまいの姿

特集 エネルギーホーリック建築

006 特集前言 建築とエネルギーの「3.11」

第1部 エネルギー 解体新書
008 座談会 討論 漂流するエネルギー
浅野浩志 × 井上成 × 小笠原潤一 × 三井博隆 × 柳原隆司 × 横山明彦

014 電力システムの震災状況と今後の課題/豊馬誠
016 「脱石油」のパラドックス─東日本大震災の教訓を踏まえて/橋爪吉博
018 暮らしや産業を支えていく都市ガス/一般社団法人日本ガス協会
020 世界のエネルギー情勢と建築分野でのエネルギー消費/山田裕久

第2部 建築はいかにエネルギー中毒に陥ったのか
022 座談会 オフィスビルはなぜエネルギー中毒なのか?
石福昭 × 佐藤信孝 × 高瀬知章 × 丹羽勝巳 × 柳原隆司

028 「運用力」でエネルギーを削減せよ/中原信生
030 2011年夏、はたして節電はどの程度達成されたか─民生業務建築物の夏期節電実態緊急調査の結果/亀谷茂樹
032 ゼロ・エネルギーの大都市/石川英輔
034 住宅はエネルギーに依存し過ぎているのだろうか?/中上英俊
036 福島県における仮設から復興に向けての住環境形成の実践と考察/田中直樹 + 浦部智義
038 応急仮設住宅の温熱環境と改善─アーキテクチャで生活と環境を守る/本間義規
040 「パクス・再生エネルギア」の課題/田中俊六
042 自然エネルギーによる被災地支援─復興からのエネルギーシフトをめざして/氏家芙由子

043 編集後記 前真之 + 渡邉浩文

043 次号予告 2012年7月号|特集:動く建築─間(あわい)にあるものたち

044 特集を読んで 2012年4月号|特集:残されしもの、生かされしもの

045 連載 建築の争点
046 連載 ケンチク脳の育て方
047 連載 ケンチク脳の活かし方
048 連載 地域いろいろ・多様な日本

Preface to the Special Issue: Architecture and Energy's 3.11

Since the oil crisis, Japan has seen the energetic promotion of improving high-efficiency equipment systems, strengthening the performance of buildings to reduce air-conditioning loads, tapping alternative energy resources, including atomic energy, and such. At the same time, it of course was already well known that these energy issues were extremely complicated, deeply involving not only technology but also politics, economics, culture, and so on.1  In the 90s, global environmental problems grew serious, and even though energy exhaustion was not urgent, the global environmental load caused by energy consumption was presumed to be a most pressing problem. Accompanying this, both in time and space, a range of argument has been expanded, on the one hand questioning the total amount of energy expended and CO2 discharged from the start of construction through a building's final demolition, and on the other hand questioning the dynamic hierarchy from the interior architectural environment to the local area, city, and Earth. Also there's a background: the global neoliberal economy, the third world's rapid development, and the advanced countries' economic confusion and population decrease. Moreover, in this holistic view social structures that can survive are questioned.
 During this time, AIJ has made consistent efforts, such as studies and suggestions; it socially dispatched the president's statement, Countermeasures in Architectural Fields for Climate Warming (1997), and the adoption by five architectural groups of the Architectural Charter for a Global Environment (2000).
 However, it's true that buildings expected to consume large quantities of energy are increasing, and there is a negative spiral of environmental deterioration and load increase in big cities. And since the oil crisis, energy consumption has not increased in the industrial sector, but has increased 2.3 times in the nonindustrial sector of offices, houses, and so on.
 For more about the above circumstances, changes of system environments, efforts in architectural fields, and such, please reread the related back issues of our journal.2

Now, what kind of impact does the Great East Japan Earthquake bring to such a situation? This feature's theme bears the slightly controversial title "Energy-Holic Architecture" and intends to ask: How did the energy-supply side and the developers and builders on the demand side take the phase of energy issues cast by 3.11? How did the energy-dependent constitution of modern architecture appear then? What did 3.11 accelerate? And what did 3.11 become an opportunity to change?

In part one, "Energy - Anatomische Tabellen," we turned our eyes on the electricity, oil, and natural gas supply systems, which this journal has not previously taken up much, examined each energy's characteristics as social infrastructure, each one's conditions and management during the recent disaster, electricity-demand issues this summer, the paradigm after 3.11, and so on, and confirmed the world energy situation and Japan's position. The opening conversation and articles present the views of people who were in positions of great trust from the supply side of electricity, oil, and gas.

In part two, "How Did Architecture Fall into Energy Addiction?" we search for the status quo of architectural supply's energy-dependent constitution, for management during the disaster, for issues and prospects hereafter, meanwhile noticing the office buildings and houses that compose the so-called nonindustrial sector. Also we received contributed articles about Edo as a zero-energy city, issues in the use of renewable energy, grappling with thermal conditions at temporary housing in devastated areas, and supporting devastated areas by natural energy.

In general, parts one and two were impressive in that so many experts and participants in the building industry estimated the impact of 3.11 as much greater than either the oil crisis or the Kyoto Protocol. It is remarkably noted that the risk-control problem of a large-scale disaster surfaced in addition to the technical accumulation of saving energy, and there is a movement for electricity to become a market. Although the Fukushima atomic power plant accident is the focal point of energy issues today, there is anxiety that the reoperation of atomic power plants has not been a national controversy. It would be essential to release all information and knowledge about energy supply and use, and to change communication between business people, experts, and citizens.

1. The January 1978 feature, "Saving Energy in Architecture."
2. The October 1999 feature, "The Realty of Warming";
 the April 2002 feature, "Climate Change and Architecture - How Will the Kyoto Protocol Change Architecture?";
 the March 2004 feature, "New Energy-Saving Architecture"; and so on.

Editorial Board
This issue has been edited by Masayuki Mae (The University of Tokyo), Hironori Watanabe (Tohoku Institute of Technology)


000 [Series] The Resolve to Rebuilding: City Reconstruction in Blueprint
Cusco; Earthquake Disaster in 1650 & Emergence of Lord of the Earthquake / Olga Keiko Mendoza Shimada
002 [Series] Great East Japan Earthquake Serial Report 1 Devastated Areas Have Just Started to Stir
Kesennuma University Network ─Construction of a University Platform in Devastated Areas / Tomohiro Ichinose
004 [Series] Great East Japan Earthquake Serial Report 2 Life in Temporary Housing
Temporary Residences and Communities ─Their Continuation and Discontinuation / Isao Hayashi

Special Feature
Energy-Holic Architecture

006 [Preface to the Special Issue] Architecture and Energy's 3.11

Part1 Energy─Anatomische Tabellen
008 [Discussion] Discussion─Drifting Energy
Hiroshi Asano × Shigeru Inoue × Junichi Ogasawara × Hirotaka Mitsui × Ryuji Yanagihara × Akihiko Yokoyama

014 Electric Power Systems in Earthquake Conditions and Issues Hereafter / Makoto Toyoma
016 The Oil-Free Paradox─ On the Basis of East Japan Great Earthquake Lessons / Yoshihiro Hashizume
018 City Gas Supporting Life and Industry / The Japan Gas Association
020 The World Energy Situation and Energy Consumption in the Buildings Sector / Hirohisa Yamada

Part2 How Did Architecture Fall into Energy Addiction?
022 [Discussion] Why Are Office Buildings Energy Addicted?
Akira Ishifuku × Nobutaka Sato × Tomoaki Takase × Katsumi Niwa × Ryuji Yanagihara

028 Reduce Energy through Investment Power / Nobuo Nakahara
030 How Really Successful Was Saving-Electricity in Summer 2011? ─The Results of an Urgent Investigation into the Actual Conditions of Summer Saving-Electricity in Commercial Buildings / Shigeki Kametani
032 A Zero-Energy Big City / Eisuke Ishikawa
034 Does Housing Depend Too Much on Energy? / Hidetoshi Nakagami
036 The Practice of and an Examination into the Form of Living Environments from Temporary Housing to Recovery in Fukushima / Naoki Tanaka + Tomoyoshi Urabe
038 Thermal Conditions and Their Improvement at Emergency Temporary-Housing ─Architecture Protecting Life and Environment / Yoshinori Honma
040 The Pax Renewable Energeia Issue / Shunroku Tanaka
042 Natural Energy Supports Devastated Areas ─Recovery Prompts Aims for Energy Shifts / Fuyuko Ujiie

043 [Editor's Postscripts] Masayuki Mae + Hironori Watanabe

043 [Previews of Coming Issues] 2012, July|Moving Architecture ─ Buildings between Phases

044 [Reviews of Previous Issue] 2012, April|Legacies Reincarnate
Starting Not from Zero / Tsuneo Takahashi
Self-Maintenance and the Power to Prevent Disaster / Kazushi Hamazaki

045 [Series] Issues in Architecture
Anti-Concrete and Concrete-Free─Will Concrete Fall Again? / Takafumi Noguchi
046 [Series] Cultivating Versatile Architects
Apprehend Environment / Masayuki Ichinose
047 [Series] Architects Branch Out
Learning from Tuvalu and Reforming Lifestyles in Advanced Countries / Shuuichi Endou
048 [Series] Local Identities: Diverse Japan
A Tale of the Koganecho Area and Management Center / Masaya Ueno