2012-9月号 SEPTEMBER

特集= 建築年報2012

Annual Report of Architecture 2012


前言 激動の1年の記録を未来へ








000連載 再建への意志:図面のなかの都市復興
002連載 東日本大震災|連続ルポ1|動き出す被災地
004連載 東日本大震災|連続ルポ2|仮すまいの姿


006 特集前言 激動の1年の記録を未来へ
007 座談会 震災から1年を振り返って─建築学会の活動
北原啓司 × 腰原幹雄 × 中島正愛 × 平石久廣 × 布野修司
013 座談会 建築学会の国際化─UIA2011東京大会を振り返って
宇野求 × 斎藤公男 × 藤井由理 × 渡邉眞理

018 材料施工委員会活動報告|建築改修工事標準仕様書の制定に向けて/本橋健司
020 構造委員会活動報告①|構造委員会のあゆみ─2011年度/中島正愛
022 構造委員会活動報告② 信頼性工学利用小委員会|荷重運営委員会PD
024 構造委員会活動報告③ 二次設計規準作成小委員会|鉄筋コンクリート構造運営委員会PD
027 防火委員会活動報告|建物火災と市街地火災に関する調査・研究/田中哮義
028 建築歴史・意匠委員会活動報告|人海戦術による被災調査の年/伊藤毅
030 環境工学委員会活動報告|東日本大震災後の建築・都市のエネルギー需給再構築に向けて/佐土原聡
034 建築社会システム委員会活動報告|課題・成果・展望/安藤正雄
035 建築法制委員会活動報告|変革期の建築法制を展望する/赤﨑弘平
036 都市計画委員会活動報告|震災復興1年目 短期、中期、長期の複眼的パースペクティブのもとで/小林英嗣
038 建築計画委員会活動報告|東日本大震災に関係する活動を中心に/松村秀一
040 農村計画委員会活動報告|震災を契機とする農村計画課題の模索/三橋伸夫
042 建築教育本委員会活動報告|建築教育の革新を目指して/石川孝重
043 海洋建築委員会活動報告|計画・設計指針作成と東日本大震災津波被害調査/濱本卓司
044 情報システム技術委員会活動報告|情報システム技術と都市・建築との関係性の探求/加賀有津子
045 文教施設委員会活動報告|活動報告/長澤悟
046 災害委員会活動報告|災害調査/平石久廣
047 地球環境委員会活動報告|3.11が問いただす持続可能性の指標/小玉祐一郎

048 「支援建築会議」「特別委員会」等2011年度活動報告
056 「各支部」2011年度活動報告

065次号予告 2012年10月号|特集:耐震の今─成熟から拡張へ

066 資料:東日本大震災関連の日本建築学会の取組み(2011年度)/会誌編集委員会
068 建築年表2011

074特集を読んで 2012年7月号|特集:動く建築:災害の間(あわい)に|

075連載 建築の争点|顕著な普遍的価値(OUV)をめぐって/佐滝剛弘
076連載 ケンチク脳の育て方|シャレットワークショップの育て方/高橋潤
077連載 ケンチク脳の活かし方|図面の読み解きから生まれる建築的な照明/戸恒浩人
078連載 地域いろいろ・多様な日本|「カフェ街」に刻み込まれた戦後史 沖縄・港川外人住宅/柴田建

Preface:Passing on the record of the past turbulent year to the future

This issue, featuring the Annual Report of Architecture 2011, informs its existing and new members, of what the Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) devoted its efforts to, what it achieved, and what issues remained unsolved during the past year, in order to pass them on and make them open for discussion.

The journal opens with a round-table talk on two noteworthy topics concerning AIJ's efforts during 2011. One is the response to the Great East Japan Earthquake which occurred on March 11. Needless to say, a great deal of effort was made on every level of the AIJ Research Committees, Chapters and individual members, but in this report we focus on the response made by the Institute as a whole. We asked experts in relevant fields to talk about what sort of activities were carried out on an organization level, what was achieved and what remain as tasks, as well as future efforts both planned and anticipated. Another is the AIJ's involvement in the UIA 2011 Tokyo held for one week from September 25. While reviewing the AIJ's achievements including the operation of its academic programs, the round-table talk includes discussions concerning the historical background over the invitation of the UIA World Congress to Japan, and the roles and tasks that the AIJ should assume in the future in terms of globalization of the Japanese architectural industry.

The above are followed by reports by AIJ Research Committees, Councils for Support/Special Committees, and Chapters which are in the same format as that of the recent annual reports. For these reports, a request was made to each Committee and Chapter to be sure to include any efforts regarding the Earthquake. Thanks to their collaboration, we believe that we were able to compile a highly concentrated report of the past one year. This issue, including AIJ's earthquake measure related data and the regular chronological table of architecture, will surely be repeatedly referred to in the future.

Taking this opportunity, we would like to inform our readers that the AIJ was awarded on July 27, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation Certification of Appreciation for Contributions concerning the Great East Japan Earthquake, commending us for significant achievements in the stabilization of social infrastructure in the affected areas and studies of future measures.

The title logo, Kenchiku Zasshi (in Japanese) on the cover is taken from the first issue published 125 years ago in 1887. The metal printing plate passed on by the previous Editorial Board was used.

Editorial Board


000[Series] The Resolve to Rebuilding: City Reconstruction in Blueprint
Reconstruction Plan of the City Center of Le Havre, after World War II / Setsuji Nagase
002[Series] Great East Japan Earthquake Serial Report 1 Devastated Areas Have Just Started to Stir
Shibitachi-ko Machizukuri Hyakunenkai Now / Toshihiro Sato
004[Series] Great East Japan Earthquake Serial Report 2 Life in Temporary Housing
Rest, a Part of Life / Satoshi Nasu

Annual Report of Architecture 2012

006[Preface to the Special Issue] Passing on the record of the past turbulent year to the future
007[Discussion] Looking Back through the First Year After the Earthquake ─AIJ Activities
Keiji Kitahara × Mikio Koshihara × Masayoshi Nakashima × Hisahiro Hiraishi × Shuji Funo
Hidetsugu Kobayashi
013[Discussion] AIJ' s Internationalization─Looking Back at the International Union of Architects 2011 Tokyo
Motomu Uno × Masao Saito × Yuri Fujii × Makoto Watanabe

018 Research Committee on Building Materials and Construction Procedure | Towards Establishment of Japanese Architectural Standard Specification for Maintenance and Modernization / Kenji Motohashi
020 Research Committee on Structures① | The Structure Committee' s Record and Action Report 2011 / Masayoshi Nakashima
022 Research Committee on Structures② | Practical Performance-Based Design─Earthquake Risk Management / Masayuki Kohiyama
024 Research Committee on Structures③ | Calculations of Ultimate Lateral Load for Reinforced-Concrete Buildings and Earthquake Damage / Nobuyuki Izumi
027 Research Committee on Fire Safety | Examination and Study of Building Fires and Urban Fires / Takeyoshi Tanaka
028 Research Committee on the History and Theory of Architecture | A Year of Damage Examination by Human-Wave Tactics / Takeshi Ito
030 Research Committee on Environmental Engineering | Toward the Reconstruction of Energy Supply-and-Demand for Architecture and Cities After the Great East Japan Earthquake / Satoru Sadohara
034 Research Committee on Architecture System and Management | Challenges, Outcomes, and Prospects / Masao Ando
035 Research Committee on Building Legislation | Surveying Building Legislation in Revolutionary Times / Kohei Akasaki
036 Research Committee on Urban Planning and Design | After One Year of Recovery from Earthquake ─The Short-, Medium-, and Long-Term Perspectives of a Compound Eye / Hidetsugu Kobayashi
038 Research Committee on Architectural Planning and Design | Focusing On Activities Concerning the Great East Japan Earthquake / Shuichi Matsumura
040 Research Committee on Rural Planning and Design | Searching for Farm-Village Planning Issues Triggered by the Earthquake / Nobuo Mitsuhashi
042 Research Committee on Architectural Education | Striving for Innovation in Architectural Education / Takashige Ishikawa
043 Research Committee on Marine Engineering and Architecture | Drawing Up a Planning and Design Guide for Marine Architecture, and Examining the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Damage / Takuji Hamamoto
044 Research Committee on Information Systems Technology | Research into Information Systems Technology' s Relations with Cities and Architecture / Atsuko Kaga
045 Research Committee on School Building | Activity Reports / Satoru Nagasawa
046 Research Committee on Earthquake Disaster | Disaster Examination / Hisahiro Hiraishi
047 Research Committee on Global Environment | 3.11 Questions Barometers of Sustainability / Yuichiro Kodama

048 Activity Reports from AIJ Councils for Support and AIJ Special Committees
056 Activity Reports from AIJ Chapters

065[Previews of Coming Issues] 2012, October|Earthquake-Proofing Now ─From Maturity to Expansion

066 Material: AIJ's 2011 Efforts Related to the Great East Japan Earthquake Editorial Board
068 Chronology of Architecture 2011

074[Reviews of Previous Issue] 2012, July|Moving Architecture:"Buildings"between Legal/Social Phases Post-Disaster
How About Using Large-Scale Passenger Boats for Temporary Housing? / Jinzaburou Hamada
Architecture on Moving Country / Naohiko Hino

075[Series] Issues in Architecture | About Outstanding Universal Value / Yoshihiro Sataki
076[Series] Cultivating Versatile Architects | How to Foster Charrette Workshops / Jun Takahashi
077[Series] Architects Branch Out | Architectural Lighting Borne from Reading Plans / Hirohito Totsune
078[Series] Local Identities: Diverse Japan | Postwar History Etched in a Cafe District ─Foreigners' Residence in Minatogawa, Okinawa / Ken Shibata