2012-12月号 DECEMBER

特集= 東日本大震災 復興のアポリア

Aporia in Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake ─Issues in Domicile Rehabilitation


特集前言 復興事業化に向かう津波被災地― その枠組、力学、葛藤



 つづいて第1 ~ 3部の各論に入るに先立ち、読者が特集を読むうえで前提となる、東日本大震災特有の復興関連事業・制限の枠組とその相互連関、主なキー・ターム等についての解説を会誌編集委員会にてまとめた。




000 連載 再建への意志:図面のなかの都市復興
002 連載 東日本大震災|連続ルポ2|仮すまいの姿

特集 東日本大震災 復興のアポリア:居住地再建の諸問題

004 特集前言 復興事業化に向かう津波被災地─その枠組、力学、葛藤
006 巻頭座談会 復興計画策定のレビュー
上田健 × 大西隆 × 岡田新一 × 佐藤隆雄
012 特集を読むための基礎知識:

第1部 集団移転─その決断、地縁と生活
014 被災地域の多様性と計画手法
重村力 × 高鍋剛 × 服部卓也
018 被災地の葛藤と挑戦─NPOの視点から/勝田和一郎
020 見えてきた課題─気仙沼登米沢での計画支援を通じて/宇野健一

第2部 低地市街地─その方法、備えとリスク
022 対談 復興事業のプライオリティの定め方
大村虔一 × 佐々木一十郎
026 復旧から復興へまちづくりの挑戦─理想と現実の狭間で/今西肇
028 復興住宅の役割─ URによる自治体協力の取組みを通じて/小川富由
030 インタビュー かつての町場を活かす─女川旧市街地の再生計画/西尾久和

第3部 災害危険区域─その必然、公益と権利
032 インタビュー 災害危険区域の必要性と根拠/山田文雄
034 インタビュー 区域指定と被災者支援のあり方、格差問題/佐藤清孝
036 行政「主導」で区域設定─翻弄される被災者/中村信義
038 住めなくなる土地の意味─不動産が受ける影響/増田聡

041編集後記 森傑

041 次号予告 2013年01月号|特集:福島と建築学

042 特集を読んで 2012年10月号|特集:耐震の今:成熟から拡張へ

043 連載 建築の争点
044 連載 なぜ私は建築を選んだか
045 連載 Architect Politician
046 連載 地域いろいろ・多様な日本
杉に恋して 秋田に出逢う─秋田杉恋プロジェクト/菅原香織

Preface to the Special Issue: Tsunami-Devastated Areas Moving toward Recovery Projects - The Frameworks, Dynamics, and Conflicts

A year and a half has passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake. At last the move to advance recovery plans into business projects is under way in tsunami-devastated areas, and our journal maintains that now is the time to accurately grasp each and every erupting problem. This is why we designed this feature. We would like to report on the frameworks and dynamics that move fields, the agony of the people involved, and the conflicts and frictions that exist clearly or latently everywhere, and, abstracting where the aporia is that needs solving, grope for an overview. This issue, whose theme is the recovery of tsunamidevastated areas in Iwate and Miyagi, together with the next issue (January 2013), which picks up all problems from Fukushima's nuclear-devastated areas, will be the feature issues that most adhere to the field of devastated areas.

In this feature, we pick up three topics that characterize recovery in tsunami-devastated areas and relate closely to one another - resettlement, tsunami hazard zone, and buffer zone - and within them focus on issues faced by devastated regional societies, the nation, prefectures, autonomies, and experts in various situations.
 The editorial policy has been to avoid outside criticism, grasp the actual aspects of projects and restriction assignments as reality, and extract issues through concrete reports (separately we are preparing a feature of critical examinations into the policies and schemes behind disaster-recovery models in the second half of the 20th century). And yet, without being well-informed about the realities in devastated areas, no one can understand the concrete contradictions, and there is an irritating dilemma for people in such situations: it is difficult to reveal the naked truth of frictions. Thus, we appreciate people cooperating through writing, group discussion, and interviews.

In the opening conversation Takashi Onishi, Shinichi Okada, Takao Sato, and Ken Ueda, who have all worked in responsible positions drawing recovery policies for the nation, prefectures, and cities, review the creation of recovery plans, mainly promoted in 2011, and present some issues.
Next, before each of parts 1 to 3, the journal's editorial board organized explanations of recovery-related projects and restriction frameworks peculiar to the Great East Japan Earthquake, the chains of relations between them all, and the main key terms presumably needed for reading the feature articles.

Part 1, "Resettlement - The Decisions, Regional Bond, and Life," deals with issues of resettlement to higher ground, which became a big topic right after the Great East Japan Earthquake and its impression of enormous tsunami damage. Following a comprehensive conversation by Tsutomu Shigemura, Tsuyoshi Takanabe, and Takuya Hattori, Waichiro Katsuda writes from an NPO perspective about people's conflicts and the germ of possibilities, and Kenichi Uno by way of planning support at Toyomazawa district in Kesennuma writes about what tasks are required mainly of planners.

The theme of part 2, "Tsunami Hazard Zones - The Methods, Provisions, and Risks," is how to grasp and deal with lowland districts that suffered tsunami damage. Isoo Sasaki and Kenichi Ohmura talk about the reconstruction of the Yuriage district in Natori, and Hajime Imanishi's article picks up the reconstruction of the Naiwan district in Kesennuma. Tomiyoshi Ogawa discusses efforts at autonomous cooperation by Urban Renaissance Agency and the role of recovery housing. And Hisakazu Nishio discusses town reorganization through the application of plural projects in Onagawacho.

Part 3, "Buffer Zones - The Necessities, Public Welfare, and Rights," is related to impositions of buffer zones on originally inhabited areas. First, Fumio Yamada talks about Sendai, and Kiyotaka Sato about Kesennuma, each addressing the imposition of buffer zones, its basis, and related wide management. Nobuyoshi Nakamura writes about the actualities of victims' conflicts, oppositions, and anxieties over zoning in the Arahama district of Sendai, and Satoru Masuda discusses the influence of zoning on real estate.

Throughout the feature, as experts from various situations work with disaster victims and disaster areas, groping in their efforts at recovery, many issues have emerged: the separation between project-menu precedence and actual area individuality, the absence of any comprehensive image in town-planning goals, the roles of the nation and prefectures and autonomies, people's will, what offered information and agreement formation should be, the lack of workers in autonomy administration and support, inequalities of help and financing and so on by projects, and the economically weak being left behind. It is needed to watch for trends in devastated areas hereafter.

Editorial Board
This issue has been edited by Suguru Mori (Hokkaido University), Yasushi Takeuchi (Miyagi University), Masahiro Onuma (Tohoku Institute of Technology), and Noriko Suehiro (NKS architect).


000 [Series] The Resolve to Rebuilding: City Reconstruction in Blueprint
Recovery Plans from the San Francisco Earthquake / Yuko Abe
002 [Series] Great East Japan Earthquake Serial Report 2 Life in Temporary Housing
Dispersed Living in Private Apartments ─A New Form of Temporary Living / Shigeo Tatsuki

Special Feature
Aporia in Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake: Issues in Domicile Rehabilitation

004 [Preface to the Special Issue] Tsunami-Devastated Areas Moving toward Recovery Projects─The Frameworks, Dynamics, and Conflicts
006 [Opening Discussion] Reviewing the Creation of Recovery Plans
Ken Ueda × Takashi Onishi × Shinichi Okada × Takao Sato
012 Basic Knowledge for Reading the Feature Articles: Structures and Issues Peculiar to the Great East Japan Earthquake's Recovery Plans and Recovery Projects / Editorial Board

Part1 Mass Moving ─The Decisions, Regional Relationships, and Life
014 Diversity and Plan Techniques in Devastated Areas
Tsutomu Shigemura × Tsuyoshi Takanabe × Takuya Hattori
018 The Struggle and Challenge of People in Disaster-Affected Areas ─From the Perspective of a Nonprofit Organization / Waichiro Katsuda
020 The problems discovered through the restoration planning support at Toyomazawa district, Kesennuma City / Kenichi Uno

Part2 Lowland Urban Districts ─The Methods, Preparations, and Risks
022 [Dialogue] How to Set Priorities in Recovery Projects
Kenichi Ohmura × Isoo Sasaki
026 Challenges for Town Recovery and Reconstruction ─Dilemma between Ideal and Reality / Hajime Imanishi
028 Housing reconstruction through the partnerships between the Urban Renaissance Agency and local municipalities / Tomiyoshi Ogawa
030 [Interview] Making Use of Former Urban Districts ─A Regenerative Plan for the Old Urban District in Onagawa / Hisakazu Nishio

Part3 Disaster Danger Areas ─The Necessities, Common Good, and Rights
032 [Interview] Necessities and Bases in Buffer Zones / Fumio Yamada
034 [Interview] What Zonings and Victim Support Should Be─ Issues of Inequalities / Kiyotaka Sato
036 Government-Initiated Zoning─ Victims at Its Mercy / Nobuyoshi Nakamura
038 The Meanings of the Uninhabitable Land / Satoru Masuda

041 [Editor's Postscripts] Suguru Mori

041 [Previews of Coming Issues] 2013, January|Fukushima and Architecture

042 [Reviews of Previous Issue] 2012, October|Earthquake Resistance Now: From Maturity to Expansion
Still, Improvements to Seismic Safety in Wooden Houses Should Come First / Hirofumi Kawabata
How to Best Use Lessons from the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and the Great East Japan Earthquake / Hiroshi Kuramoto

043 [Series] Issues in Architecture
An Environmental Gap in Kindergarten-Nursery School Unification ─ Calling For Nursery Architecture Wherein Adults and Children Look After One Another / Masayuki Sato
044 [Series] Why and How I Chose Architecture
Stringing Together Scraps of Interest / Maki Ryu
047 [Series] Architect Politician
Toshikatsu Iwami, Mayor of Himeji City, Hyogo / Toshikatsu Iwami
046 [Series] Local Identities: Diverse Japan
Loving Sugi and Meeting Akita─The AKITA SUGIKOI Project / Kaori Sugawara