2013-2月号 FEBRUARY

特集= リスクコミュニケーション

─ 3.11以後の変質と波及
Risk Communication─ Changes and Repercussions After 3.11


特集前言 ゼロと最大の間に広がる連続的世界の複雑さ




000 連載 再建への意志:図面のなかの都市復興
002 連載 東日本大震災|連続ルポ1|動き出す被災地
被災を超えて地域の歴史文化を受け継ぐ試み─気仙沼市の二つの事例から/三浦卓也 + 田揚裕子
004 連載 東日本大震災|連続ルポ2|仮すまいの姿

特集 リスクコミュニケーション:3.11以後の変質と波及

006 特集前言 ゼロと最大の間に広がる連続的世界の複雑さ
008 ゼロリスクは幻想である─被災の可能性について認知する/遠藤靖典
010 次の震災が起こる前にすべきこと─市民に利益のあるリスクリテラシー教育を/広田すみれ
012 どのようにリスクを伝えればよいか─よりよいリスクコミュニケーションのために必要なこと/上市秀雄
014 対談 南海トラフ巨大地震被害想定とその社会的影響─リスク情報の発信と受信の隔たりをどうとらえるか?/田中淳 × 森保宏
018 インタビュー 地震・津波と日本一うまく付き合うための防災計画(高知県黒潮町)/松本敏郎
020 インタビュー 本州最南端の町で進む、公共施設の高台移転(和歌山県串本町)/濵地弘貴
022 インタビュー 関西(大阪)における構造設計の実践/西影武知
024 リスクコミュニケーションに関する学会の取組みと展望/坂本成弘
026 構造設計におけるリスクコミュニケーションの現状/常木康弘
028 マスメディアは災害リスクをどう伝えるべきか/井上智広
030 リスクマネジメントの視点から考える地震被害軽減に効果的なハザードマップ/藤本一雄

031 編集後記 蜷川利彦 + 加藤研一 + 村尾修

031 次号予告 2013年3月号|特集:「近代復興」再考:これからの復興のために

032 特集を読んで 2012年12月号|特集:東日本大震災 復興のアポリア:居住地再建の諸問題

033 連載 建築の争点
034 連載 なぜ私は建築を選んだか
035 連載 Architect Politician
036 連載 地域いろいろ・多様な日本
「空き」の価値を再考する─佐賀市「わいわい!! コンテナプロジェクト」/西村浩

Preface to the Special Issue: The Complexity of Continuous World Expansion between Zero and Utmost Limits

3.11 broadly changed risk communication. At the same time, the range of repercussions and influence is extensive. This issue is a small feature focusing on such problems.
 For example, during appeals for the preservation of buildings not designated as cultural properties, it's easy to imagine that wide knowledge, literacy, and time are needed to share understanding among owners, neighbors, autonomies, and the country. When the value of such buildings does not persuade everyone yet is clearly not zero, communication is obviously needed.
 But in cases of disaster, because of the direct connection to the risk of life, it's axiomatic that our techniques and systems for disaster prevention should aim at zero-risk; thus, it's easy to develop a vague belief that actual construction environments would mostly have already achieved it. But according to Yasunori Endo, who discusses foundation theory in the opening article, the awareness that a "zero-risk orientation is not good" has commonly spread since 3.11.
 When we recognize that "zero" never exists, communication horizons open, although many barriers remain. Endo points to the danger that zero-risk might possibly reoccur as an orientation at the national level, and Sumire Hirota worries that 3.11on the one hand opened the possibility of risk communication and on the other hand brought setbacks such as a mistrust of government, biased news, defensive attitudes among experts, and so on. Hideo Ueichi explains the need for information communicators to bear in mind their ethical obligations and be aware of the various biases in messages. It's also interesting that Hirota points to the necessity of numeracy education as a base of literacy on the recipients' side.
 After 3.11 the Cabinet Office released the possible maximum estimates from a Nankai Trough earthquake commonly called 3.31 and 8.29 publications that revised significantly upward the former estimates. The talk by Atsushi Tanaka and Yasuhiro Mori brims with wide-ranging arguments and suggestions concerning this topic: In what light has the national estimate of damage been reviewed? How should we understand the confusion that the above damage estimate brings to local societies that have piled countermeasures based on conventional estimates? And what thinking and methods might be required to deal with the complexity of continuous world between zero and maximum?
 Then through interviews we see what kinds of countermeasures might be urged for local societies by a review of damage estimates from a Nankai Trough earthquake. Concerning Kuroshiocho in Kochi and Kushimotocho in Wakayama, we had interviews with officials in autonomies. According Toshirou Matsumoto, in Kuroshiocho, where an estimated maximum-wave height of 34 meters briefly caused great confusion, locals first started making a stable policy and are gradually and steadily advancing concrete countermeasures. And Hirotaka Hamaji describes how town mergers in Kushimotocho had already been underway before 3.11 and provided a good opportunity for furthering the integration of public facilities on higher ground. After 3.11, while requests for maintaining evacuation routes have proliferated, interestingly there have been no requests for building seawalls. And yet the construction industry is also pressured for various countermeasures. Here, Taketomo Nishikage, as a structural designer in Osaka, discusses issues of communication that arise between clients and architects, or between structural designers and architectural/equipment designers, concerning earthquakes at the Uemachi Fault and Nankai Trough, where occurrence cycles and characters differ.
 Next part reflects more generally on the state of countermeasures among architectural experts. First, Shigehiro Sakamoto introduces the efforts under way at each AIJ committee and working group, efforts such as to grasp the state of risk-communication countermeasures in the architecture industry, to grasp the basic issues, and to maintain communication tools in light of performance design. According to Yasuhiro Tsuneki, countermeasures in risk communication have not always been improved by a social understanding that legal standard compliance "fully guarantees" zero-risk in buildings' structural designs, and as for estimates of earthquake ground motion, while consequent building vibrations cannot be sufficiently determined, every study group and company is trying to develop tools.
 The last part directs attention to the media that supports risk communication. Tomohiro Inoue, who majored in seismology, writes from his position involving TV production at NHK about the media's role in bridging gaps between science/engineering and the common people, and Kazuo Fujimoto writes about the present state of making hazard maps at autonomies and about their effective function.

Editorial Board
This issue has been edited by Toshihiko Ninakawa (Kyushu University), Kenichi Kato (Kobori Research Complex, Inc.) and Osamu Murao (University of Tsukuba).


000 [Series] The Resolve to Rebuilding: City Reconstruction in Blueprint
The Plans for Rebuilding the City of London after the Great Fire / Kenjiro Totsuji
002 [Series] Great East Japan Earthquake Serial Report 1 Devastated Areas Have Just Started to Stir
Attempts to Inherit Local History and Culture over Suffering─From Two Cases of Kesennuma / Takuya Miura + Yuko Taage
004 [Series] Great East Japan Earthquake Serial Report 2 Life in Temporary Housing
Community Design toward an Even Further Point of Recovery─Tomorrow and the Efforts at Nagamachi Temporary Housing in Sendai / Nobuyuki Arai

Special Feature
Risk Communication:Changes and Repercussions After 3.11

006 [Preface to the Special Issue] The Complexity of Continuous World Expansion / between Zero and Utmost Limits
008 Zero Risk Is Illusion─Recognizing the Possibility of Suffering / Yasunori Endo
010 An Issue That Must Dealt With Before the Next Disaster─The Need for Beneficial Risk-Literacy among Citizens / Sumire Hirota
012 How Should We Communicate Risks?─A Necessity for Better Risk Communication / Hideo Ueichi
014 [Dialogue] A Nankai Trough Earthquake's Damage Estimate and It's Social Influence─How to Grasp the Distance between Dispatch and Reception of Risk Information / Atsushi Tanaka × Yasuhiro Mori
018 [Interview] Disaster-Prevention Planning That Best Suits Earthquakes and Tsunamis in Japan (Kuroshiocho, Kochi) / Toshirou Matsumoto
020 [Interview] Resettling Public Facilities on Higher Ground in Honshu's Southernmost Town (Kushimotocho, Wakayama) / Hirotaka Hamaji
022 [Interview] The Practice of Structural Design in Osaka / Taketomo Nishikage
024 AIJ Contribution on Risk Communication: Review and Prospect / Shigehiro Sakamoto
026 The Status Quo of Risk Communication in Structural Design / Yasuhiro Tsuneki
028 How Mass Media Should Communicate Disaster Risks / Tomohiro Inoue
030 Effective Seismic Hazard Map for Reducing Earthquake Damage from the Viewpoint of Risk Management / Kazuo Fujimoto

031 [Editor's Postscripts] Toshihiko Ninakawa+ Kenichi Kato + Osamu Murao

031 [Previews of Coming Issues] 2013, March|Reexamining Modern Disaster Recovery: Looking toward Future Schemes

032 [Reviews of Previous Issue] 2012, December|Aporia in Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake: Issues in Domicile Rehabilitation
What Kinds of Apartment Houses Are Attractive for Advancing Earthquake Recovery? / Kaoru Endo
Disaster Recovery Is a Social Experiment for Area Improvement / Ryuichi Nozaki

033 [Series] Issues in Architecture
Do House-Builders Dislike Insulating and Airproofing? / Masahiro Noike
034 [Series] Why and How I Chose Architecture
The Big Flow / Shohei Shigematsu
035 [Series] Architect Politician
The Mayor Who Revitalized Charleston through the Power of Urban Design─Joseph Riley / Keiro Hattori
036 [Series] Local Identities: Diverse Japan
Reconsidering the Value of Space─The "Wai-Wai!!" Container Project in Saga City / Hiroshi Nishimura