2013-5月号 MAY

特集= 建築評価の現在形


Evaluating Architectural Designs─Prospects for a Decentralized, Segmented, and Low-Context Discourse Environment


特集前言 建築は今どんな場所で言説化されているか



2004 年9月号特集「建築評論の行方」/ 2009年4月号特集「勝手メディアの台頭」/
2010 年3月号特集「ナイーブアーキテクチャー」/ 2011年2月号特集「建築論争の所在」

本号編集担当:吉村靖孝(吉村靖孝建築設計事務所、明治大学)・曽我部昌史(みかんぐみ、神奈川大学)・末廣宣子(NKS architects)・生田京子(名城大学)・竹内泰(宮城大学)


000 連載 再建への意志:図面のなかの都市復興
002 連載 東日本大震災|連続ルポ1|動き出す被災地
004 連載 東日本大震災|連続ルポ2|仮すまいの姿

特集 建築評価の現在形:脱中心化・断片化・ローコンテクスト化する言説環境とそのゆくえ

006特集前言 建築は今どんな場所で言説化されているか

008巻頭対談 「言説化」の環境に今何が起きているのか/五十嵐太郎 × 日埜直彦

第1部 各論

第2部 作家アンケート
028About Architectural Criticism/アストリッド・クライン

037座談会 建築評価のフレームワークを問い直す─日本的言説空間の特質とその批判的再考/池田昌弘 × 宇野求 × 大西若人

043編集後記 吉村靖孝

043 次号予告 2013年6月号|特集:拡張する大学院:全入時代の学部と縮小する市場の間で

044 特集を読んで 2013年3月号|特集:「近代復興」再考:これからの復興のために

045 連載 建築の争点
046 連載 ケンチク脳の育て方
047 連載 ケンチク脳の活かし方
048 連載 地域いろいろ・多様な日本

Preface to the Special Issue: What Site Now for Architecture' s Emerging Discourse?

For a long time it has been said that there's no criticism of architecture. Although paper-media architectural magazines, the core quite longstanding, seemed literally profuse until the early nineties, those days are gone. Today, IT has become popular, personal publication is much easier, and web magazines, bulletin boards, blogs, and so on have arisen; at the same time, SNS have quickly penetrated ordinary communication in the last three or four years and have formed the base of information communication and arguments about architecture. In fact, events and paper-media magazines are no longer complete without links to SNS.
 Along with such environmental change, the characteristics of the discourse have been changing, and the editorial board tried to grasp those signs as follows: first, the dismantling of the centripetal evaluation system composed of prizes and critics and magazines progresses, and anyone is welcome to freely participate in various dispersively distributed discourse sites (decentralized); short choppy words countlessly appear and sink into a sea of archives yet can also be instantly linked almost without the use of words (segmented); and the redundant style and elaborate rhetoric that even used to be characteristics of architectural discourse are now avoided in favor of direct, explicit, simple communication (low-context).
 But besides the discourse, a breakup in the axis of values is also seen in diversified prizes. And now we can flatly view architect selection, technical and systematic building evaluations, work evaluations at trials, and the stereotyped understanding of architecture provided by TV. The international circulation of information has also changed.
 So what sort of fruit comes from environmental change in architectural-design evaluation? It's not yet clear. New discourse circumstances might be seen after today's change is strategically accelerated - but for what purpose? Still, IT does not always open public places, and the reproduction of introverted communities always happens. How and where is architecture to be evaluated hereafter? What role will the discourse play?

The opening is a talk by Taro Igarashi and Naohiko Hino. After the war, particularly after the seventies, the shared premises of the discourse crumbled and the stream of interests rapidly dispersed, overlaid by a media switch from magazines to the Internet and offering a blueprint for the group of cases reported in part 1.

In part 1, ten reports sketch the current condition of architectural evaluation. In addition to "The Characteristics of Net Media" by Eizo Okada, "Japanese Architecture Reflected in Overseas Media" by Masaaki Takahashi, "Architecture's Behavior in the Art Scene" by Kenjiro Hosaka, "Trends in Design Contests" by Takenori Miura, "The Citizen- Participation Type of Architect Selection" by Tatsu Matsuda, "Diversified Prizes and Authority" by Ko Nakamura, "Amateurism and Publicness in the Press" by Akio Nagashima, "The Boom in Graduation Design Exhibitions" by Takehisa Nakashiro, we have two articles from the field of law: "Freedom and Restriction in Architecture" by Koji Otani, and "Issues of Landscape and Architectural Evaluation" by Sota Kimura.

In part 2, we dared ask successful independent architects to write freely about how they see the current condition and future of architectural evaluation. What feeling will readers get from the contributions by Astrid Klein, Hitoshi Abe, Souhei Imamura, Shuhei Endo, Yoshihiko Ohshima, Hidetoshi Ohno, Tadao Kamei, Hiroki Kutsuna, Hirokazu Suemitsu, Senhiko Nakata, Nobuaki Furuya, Shohei Matsukawa, Yuri Naruse, and Kikuma Watanabe?

The closing round table asks Masahiro Ikeda, Motomu Uno, and Wakato Onishi to critically reexamine the subject of this feature from a bigger framework. As is said here, we must carefully inspect the particularities of Japanese linguistic space from a world historical perspective. Also the relationship between society, architecture, and profession is accumulating twists and gaps in such historical circumstances.

Reference back numbers:
September 2004 Feature - "The Whereabouts of Architectural Criticism"
April 2009 Feature - "The Rise of Lesser Media"
March 2010 Feature - "Naive Architecture from Cutting-edge Japan"
February 2011 Feature - "The Locus of Architectural Debates"

Editorial Board
This issue has been edited by Yasutaka Yoshimura (YASUTAKA YOSHIMURA ARCHITECTS, Meiji University), Masashi Sogabe (MIKAN, Kanagawa University), Noriko Suehiro (NKS architects), Kyoko Ikuta (Meijo University), and Yasushi Takeuchi (MIYAGI UNIVERSITY).


000[Series] The Resolve to Rebuilding: City Reconstruction in Blueprint
The Flood Prevention Plan for Florence (1767) / Ryoko Kaita
002[Series] Great East Japan Earthquake Serial Report 1 Devastated Areas Have Just Started to Stir
Living "Now" / Fumi Hashimoto
004[Series] Great East Japan Earthquake Serial Report 2 Life in Temporary Housing
Design Based Learning for Children in Future Classroom / Shinya Sato

Special Feature
Evaluating Architectural Designs: Prospects for a Decentralized, Segmented, and Low-Context Discourse Environment

006[Preface to the Special Issue] What Site Now for Architecture's Emerging Discourse?

008[Opening Dialogue] What's Happening in the Emerging-Discourse Environment Now? / Taro Igarashi × Naohiko Hino

Part1 Opinions
014Architecture and Internet Media / Eizo Okada
016How Do International Media See Japanese Architecture? / Masaaki Takahashi
017Architecture Exhibition in 21st Century / Kenjiro Hosaka
018From Choosing Proposal to Choosing Personality / Takenori Miura
020Possibility of Pluralizing the System of Evaluation and Decision─Who Evaluate the Architecture and Urban Planning? And Who Make the Decision? / Tatsu Matsuda
022Diversity and Authenticity of the Architecture Prizes / Ko Nakamura
024Between Professional and Amateur / Akio Nagashima
025Whereabouts of Graduation Design Exhibition Boom / Takehisa Nakashiro
026Architectural Evaluation Axis and Laws─Intrinsic Restrictions to Private Ownership / Koji Otani
027Architecture and Landscape / Sota Kimura

Part2 Survey of Architects
028About Architectural Criticism / Astrid Klein
029Format of Architecture / Hitoshi Abe
029Architectural Information in the Net Age / Souhei Imamura
030Who Is an Architect? / Shuhei Endo
030Architect Meets "DCF Method" / Yoshihiko Oshima
031What Has Changed in the Last 15 Years? / Hidetoshi Ohno
031Evaluation of Architecture / Tadao Kamei
032Architecture Supporting New Public Activities / Hiroki Kutsuna
032Assessment of Ecological Architecture / Hirokazu Suemitsu
033About Someone Who See the House for All / Senhiko Nakata
033What Awards Bring / Nobuaki Furuya
034Survived Form Is Functional / Shohei Matsukawa
034Sharing the Way of Aging / Yuri Naruse
035Architecture on the Frontier of "Architecture" / Kikuma Watanabe

037[Ending Discussion] Asking Again about the Framework of Architectural Design Evaluation─The Characteristics of Japanese Discourse Space and Their Critical Reconsideration / Masahiro Ikeda × Motomu Uno × Wakato Onishi

043[Editor's Postscripts] Yasutaka Yoshimura

043[Previews of Coming Issues] 2013, June|Expanding Graduate School: Between Today's Easy-Access Undergraduate Schools and Shrinking Job Markets

044[Reviews of Previous Issue] 2013, March|Reexamining Modern Disaster Recovery: Looking toward Future Schemes
Systems and People / Yu Nakai
What Kind of Policy Bridges the Site of Post "Modern Disaster Recovery" and Architecture? / Ryosuke Nishida

045[Series] Issues in Architecture
The Dividing Line between Architecture and Interior / Yoshihide Asako
046[Series] Cultivating Versatile Architects
Self-Build─A Synchronization of Creating, Feeling, and Thinking / Kazuaki Seki
047[Series] Architects Branch Out
Welfare Architect─The Design and Practice of Local Care / Hirofumi Inoue
048[Series] Local Identities: Diverse Japan
A Study of Space─The Corridor Art Center at Togurakamiyamada Junior High School / Shingo Jinno