2013-6月号 JUNE

特集= 拡張する大学院

Expanding Graduate School─ Between Today’s Easy-Access Undergraduate Schools and Shrinking Job Markets


特集前言 拡張の底に、そして先に



しかし、大学院にはまだ機動的な生産性がある。修士課程の2年間というサイクルの早さもプログラムの新陳代謝には都合がよいし、何より4 年間の基礎教育を終えた学生たちがいる。全入時代を迎えて平準化する学部と、縮小し激変していく市場との間に挟まれて、大学院の教育はさまざまな「外部」に接続しつつ先鋭化し、全体として拡張しつつあるのではないか。それらが来るべき新しい大学像につながる実験群となるのだろうし、またいずれ学部教育にも波及する可能性がある。






000 連載 再建への意志:図面のなかの都市復興
002会長就任の挨拶 東日本大震災の経験を生かし、レジリエントで持続可能な社会に向け、総力を結集できる学会を目指して/吉野博
004 連載 東日本大震災|連続ルポ1|動き出す被災地
006 連載 東日本大震災|連続ルポ2|仮すまいの姿

特集 拡張する大学院:全入時代の学部と縮小する市場の間で

008特集前言 拡張の底に、そして先に

第1部 認識─建築教育が置かれている環境

第2部 実践─先鋭化する大学院教育
014リベラル化の運動としてのスタジオ/時空間的な知層としての研究室─建築家教育の現場/北山恒 × 塚本由晴
017スーパーミクロとスーパーマクロを往き来する─社会システムと大学院/岡部明子 × 馬場正尊
020地域を動かすか、促すか─地域参画型まちづくり/鵜飼修 × 久隆浩
023構造技術から人間環境の可能性へ─デザイン教育のなかの実践的構造学/金田充弘 × 三田彰
026専門職能教育と普遍化の狭間で̶低炭素社会における設計者の素養/川瀬貴晴 × 小玉祐一郎
029アイデアの最大化とイノベーティブデザイン─国際ワークショップと海外の大学/小林正美 × 山代悟

第3部 歴史的参照─拡張と変貌の1960-70 年代
03440 年を越えて来た「既存の都市への愛の視点」/元倉眞琴
0381964 年に「建築計画原論」から「環境工学委員会」へ/尾島俊雄

第4部 外部からの検証─大学院には何が求められるのか
040Architectural Design Studios for Graduate Students in China/王方戟

049編集後記 砂本文彦 + 田村和夫 + 渡邉浩文

049 次号予告 2013年7月号|特集:建築系学会大集合

050 特集を読んで 2013年4月号|特集:2020年省エネ義務化:建築はそのとき

051 連載 建築の争点
052 連載 なぜ私は建築を選んだか
053 連載 Architect Politician
元集集鎮長 林明溱/村尾修
054 連載 地域いろいろ・多様な日本

Preface to the Special Issue: What' s at the Bottom Of and Beyond Expansion?

In this feature, we take note of graduate schools to catch the wind of today's architectural education.

In part 1, on recognition, we take a look at the environment that architectural education is in by using editorial board data and a contribution by Takashige Ishikawa from the AIJ Committee on Architectural Education. As you know, it's said that an era of easy access to undergraduate schools came in the last few years in Japan. Plus, the students sent to undergraduate schools belong to a so-called generation of pressure-free education. Many undergraduate school teachers complain that the students' achievement and eagerness to study have been decreasing. Yet there are movements such as MEXT's guidance reinforcement, the taking of JABEE accreditation, stricter judgment of requirements for qualification for examinations of registered architects, and so on. In these conditions, we can say that undergraduate education is tending to stabilize a leveled framework and is exercising less freedom in designing original educational content, can't we?
 On the other hand, Japan's social economic system is facing a time of sudden change in the global economic environment, and the students' job-finding is becoming diversified and borderless, both in terms of quantity and quality. And although undergraduate school was first considered a place for producing, to various degrees and extents, the intelligence for drawing ideal social reorganization, it has now reached a point where it's about to lose flexibility and even core strength, quite like a bureaucracy.

But graduate school still has mobile productivity. The quick two-year cycle for a master's course is convenient for metabolizing programs, and above all students have already finished four years of basic education. Sandwiched between (1) leveled undergraduate schools facing an easy-access era and (2) shrinking and suddenly changing markets, graduate school education seems to be radicalizing, connecting to various outsides, and expanding as a whole, doesn't it? This all could be an experimental group bound to the emerging new undergraduate school image and possibly influencing undergraduate education sooner or later.
 In part 2, "Practice - Radicalizing Graduate School Education," six talks contrastively introduce twelve different practical cases of graduate school education born in the past ten years. Thus, we have Koh Kitayama and Yoshiharu Tsukamoto on studio style and laboratory style in architectural design education, Akiko Okabe and Masataka Baba on social systems and field work, Osamu Ukai and Takahiro Hisa on community participation in town development, Mitsuhiro Kanada and Akira Mita on the design and high technology of structural engineering, Takaharu Kawase and Yuichiro Kodama on passive design and equipment engineering, and Masami Kobayashi and Satoru Yamashiro on educational internationalization and urban-design workshops.

Now, after much consideration, it seems that these movements also already had some antecedents in various thinking and practices that came in response to sudden changes in the social economy in the 1960s and 1970s or that erupted as a value axis counter to the Establishment. Graduate students in those days jumped out to raw cities, communities, and overseas because doing so was also criticism of Japan's "ivory-tower" universities; whereas nowadays it is undergraduate schools that desperately try to take in the outside.
 In part 3, "Historical References - Expansion and Change in the 1960s and 1970s," we intend to somewhat historically relativize current conditions. Thus, we asked Yasumitsu Matsunaga about urban-design studios in the USA, Makoto Motokura about design survey, Umihiko Cho about the Takayama Architecture Seminar School as a private school, and Toshio Ojima about formation details in the field of environmental engineering.

For part 4, "Verification from Outside - What Is Required of Graduate School?" we get frank opinions from every social field that accepts the youth who studied architecture in undergraduate and graduate schools. Sixteen people provide comments: Wang Fangji, Naoteru Umesaki, Yoshiharu Kanabeko, Yasushi Kitamura, Takahito Suzuki, Kiyoshi Tanabe, Makoto Tanijiri, Tsuyoshi Tane, Takaki Nakayama, Takaya Nanahoshi, Kazuhiko Nishi, Jun Hashimoto, Kazuyoshi Fujisawa, Atsushi Yamada, Tomohiko Yamanashi, and Kazuhiko Yamamoto.

This feature sketches sections of expanding architectural education. At the bottom of or beyond these, what sort of ideas, more than adaptation to the times, might you construct? If the feature proves an opportunity for such a question, we'll be happy.

Editorial Board
This issue has been edited by Kyoko Ikuta (Meijo University), Nobutaka Kashimoto (Nikken Sekkei), Fumihiko Sunamoto (Hiroshima International University), Kazuo Tamura (Chiba Institute of Technology), and Hironori Watanabe (Tohoku Institute of Technology).


000[Series] The Resolve to Rebuilding: City Reconstruction in Blueprint
Village Plans after the 2004 Sumatra Earthquake / Norihisa Shima
002[The President's] The Role of AIJ "Use all resources for realizing a resilient and sustainable society": Revelation from the Great East Japan Earthquake experience / Hiroshi Yoshino
004[Series] Great East Japan Earthquake Serial Report 1 Devastated Areas Have Just Started to Stir
Construction Costs in Three Devastated Prefectures / Kaoru Togashi
006[Series] Great East Japan Earthquake Serial Report 2 Life in Temporary Housing
The Strength of Weak Ties─The Nuclear Refugees Fleeing to Okinawa / Masahito Takahashi

Special Feature
Expanding Graduate School: Between Today's Easy-Access Undergraduate Schools and Shrinking Job Markets

008[Preface to the Special Issue] What's at the Bottom of and Beyond Expansion?

Part1 Recognition─The Environment That Architectural Education Is In
010A Timeline Concerning Educational Policy and Undergraduate School / Editorial Board
012The Trend of Architecture Alumni and a New Initiative of the Architectural Board of Education / Takashige Ishikawa

Part2 Practice─Radicalizing Graduate School Education
014The Studio as a Liberalized Movement and the Laboratory as a Space-Time Intellectual Stratum─The Sites of Architects' Education / Koh Kitayama × Yoshiharu Tsukamoto
017Plying between Super Micro and Super Macro─ Social Systems and Graduate School / Akiko Okabe × Masataka Baba
020To Impel or Facilitate Communities?─ Community-Participation-Type Town Development / Osamu Ukai × Takahiro Hisa
023From Structural Techniques to Possibilities for Human Environments─Practical Structural Engineering in Design Education / Mitsuhiro Kanada × Akira Mita
026Between Professional-Aptitude Education and Generalization─Architects' Knowledge in a Low-Carbon Society / Takaharu Kawase × Yuichiro Kodama
029Maximizing Ideas and Innovative Design─International Workshops and Foreign Universities / Masami Kobayashi × Satoru Yamashiro

Part3 Historical References ─Expansion and Change in the 1960s and 1970s
032Personal history of educational comittments─Boston, St. Louis, Kagoshima, Shanghai / Yasumitsu Matsunaga
034"The Viewpoint of The Love to the Existing City" Which Has Jumped 40 Years / Makoto Motokura
036Takayama Architecture Seminars School / Umihiko Cho
038The 1964 Research Committee Change from Science of Architectural Planning to Environmental Engineering / Toshio Ojima

Part4 Verification from Outside─What Is Required of Graduate School?
040Architectural Design Studios for Graduate Students in China / Fangji Wang
041Wooden Structure Engineers Development Is Imperative / Naoteru Umesaki
041Expectation For The Graduate Education For Structural Engineers / Yoshiharu Kanebako
042Seeing the Real Thing Enriches Vision, Polishes Sensibilities / Yasushi Kitamura
042Increase Opportunities to Cooperate With the Different Field / Takahito Suzuki
042What Is Required for Education at Graduate School / Kiyoshi Tanabe
043Translation / Makoto Tanijiri
043As a Graduate School of One in the World / Tsuyoshi Tane
044Expand Domain of Architecture in Practical Area Studies / Takaki Nakayama
044Necessary Human Resources and Maintenance of The Building / Takaya Nanahoshi
045Acquirement of Outsiders View / Kazuhiko Nishi
045What Is Seen Beyond the Expansion? / Jun Hashimoto
046Request for Graduate School Education / Kazuyoshi Fujisawa
046About the Importance of Morality in Graduate Education / Atsushi Yamada
047Three Dissatisfactions Felt by a Practical Architect / Tomohiko Yamanashi
047Acquire the Ability to Grasp Space, and Then Go Out into the World / Kazuhiko Yamamoto

049[Editor's Postscripts] Fumihiko Sunamoto + Kazuo Tamura + Hironori Watanabe

049[Previews of Coming Issues] 2013, July|Assembling All Academic Societies around Architecture

050[Reviews of Previous Issue] 2013, April|Energy Conservation Obligatory in 2020: Implications for Architecture Then?
What Can the Architectural Environment Do for Japan' s Energy Supply Darkness? / Shin-ichi Tanabe
Bottoms Up for Energy-Saving Measures / Masahiro Noike

051[Series] Issues in Architecture
Does a Mid-rise Timber Building Become Popular?─Wood House and Wood Architecture / Mikio Koshihara
052[Series] Why and How I Chose Architecture
Fascinated with Environmental Design / Akira Hoyano
053[Series] Architect Politician
Lin, Ming-Chen, the Former Mayor of Chichi Township / Osamu Murao
054[Series] Local Identities: Diverse Japan
Castle-Town Hikone─ Student Power and Towner Power / Izumi Shibata