2013-11月号 NOVEMBER

特集= 「建築家」が問われるとき

When “Architect” Is Called into Question─Past and Present Self-Definitions


特集前言 建築家とは何か―問いは繰り返される










000 連載 再建への意志:図面のなかの都市復興
002 連載 東日本大震災|連続ルポ1|動き出す被災地
004 連載 東日本大震災|連続ルポ2|仮すまいの姿
福島県における仮設住宅の移設や再利用/浦部智義 + 芳賀沼整

特集 「建築家」が問われるとき─自己規定の軌跡と現在

006特集前言 建築家とは何か─問いは繰り返される

第1部 建築家と戦後日本
008インタビュー 戦後日本と伴走して─建築家・建築運動・メディア/平良敬一
012建築家像の「分岐→収束」の反復─40 年周期説[試案]/会誌編集委員会

第2部 近代日本における「建築家」像の系譜学
030レファレンス 近現代日本の「建築家」について考えるためのテキスト群/会誌編集委員会

第3部 3.11以後の建築家

046編集後記 青井哲人 + 竹内泰

046 次号予告 2013年12月号|特集:ストラグリング・アーキテクチャー─変貌する地球・社会と建築の現場

047 連載 建築の争点
048 連載 なぜ私は建築を選んだか
049 連載 Architect Politician
「Mr. Bristolian」による都市再生の挑戦─イギリス・ブリストル ジョージ・ファーガソン市長/岡村祐
050 連載 地域いろいろ・多様な日本

Preface to the Special Issue: What Is an Architect? - A Repeated Question

As a trial, let's search for books that have the word architect in the title. You'll notice that these books have rapidly increased since about 2000. This might be a sign of an advancing historicization of the twentieth century's masters and a parallel groping, with reflections and questions as to the former image of architects, after a new image of architects. Along such a line of groping, 3.11 actualizes a simple theme in a sense such as how to recover the relation between architects and societies.

Such a sway or theme reminds us of various historical contexts. And obviously the discussion about architects and societies hasn't just now started. There has been a left-wing genealogy since before the war, and also among postwar modern architects were some who struggled with actual cities and properties, or societies and systems. The image of architects who worked on various subjects while rooting themselves into concrete local communities started to appear about 1970. Trials of collaborative designs that eliminate heroic proper names also form one of the veins that have been running continuously underground since the early postwar period. But the architects' desire to be linked with society might sometimes be nothing but the problem of those architects with scant relation to social reality, as described by 1950s theories of tradition and theories of peoples. Of course, it doesn't mean that the desire is therefore deniable. And, seen in perspective, architects after the 1970s and especially in the 1980s turned in upon themselves, bracketing the sociality and politics around architecture, and soon became swallowed in a sea of consumption.

In this feature, we cannot in good balance comprehend all these themes. But after becoming aware of bias, for the moment we tried, albeit from limited viewpoints, to think about the historical contexts that entwine the architects' self-definitions.

Part 1, "Architects and Postwar Japan," first presents an interview with editor Keiichi Taira (advisor to JABS). It is a valuable testimony to architectural thinking in postwar Japan and a powerful message for us today. Following that, we show the historical perspective that the editorial board supposed when planning this feature, in other words, an outline of historically repeating structures concerning the image of architects.

In part 2, "A Genealogy of the Image of Architects in Modern Japan," after Yoshitake Doi presents a global and universal frame that relativizes Japanese architects from a broad perspective, we construct tracks of architects' self-definitions in Japan till about the 1960s in a discourse that retraces them especially from viewpoints of society or systems: Yoshihiro Sato on the subject of designers' class-consciousness from a reexamination of Sousha, Yosinori Date on the RIA's groping as an architects' community system after the image of function, and Kei Minohara on the function sense of the postwar generation's Masato Otaka. While reexamining the dualism of registered architects and architects, Kiyotaka Hayami views the future. And a discourse by Naohiko Hino structures a clear large-boned matrix and thus catches what the base is in the strained relations of power that have composed modern Japanese architects as a whole, and simultaneously searches the historical contexts of the subject that today should be questioned, the discontinuation of pre-1960s composition.

In part 3, we consider architects after 3.11. First, a discourse by Kozo Kadowaki treats "architects as collective intelligence" in terms of the meaning in modern history and the issue today, both in a framework that bridges architectural production and social transformation. How then, in the field of recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake, has the image of architects been reconsidered? These themes are taken up: Shoko Fukuya on the deterioration of the image of architects and a cross section of blind groping in ArchiAid's disaster-area support, Yasushi Takeuchi on the subjects of the community architects' image that are based on various active experiences in disaster areas, Toshihiro Sato on the tracks of his unique activities and thoughts that include the relation with disaster-area communities, and Michio Ubaura rather on planners' functional issues in relation to architects.

And we insert the editorial board's reference guide for this feature.

History repeats itself, Marx said, first as tragedy, then as farce. The word that doesn't examine its own footing historically is too naïve. This feature is a small essay collection compiled from a little swaggering awareness of the issues.

Editorial Board
This issue has been edited by Akihito Aoi (Meiji University) and Yasushi Takeuchi (Miyagi University).


000[Series] The Resolve to Rebuilding: City Reconstruction in Blueprint
Master Plan for Reconstruction of Skopje City Center / Sadao Watanabe
002[Series] Great East Japan Earthquake Serial Report 1 Devastated Areas Have Just Started to Stir
Planning Process of Community Revival Plan in Sanrikuchoryori Ofunato, Iwate and Results on Disaster Mitigation Side / Hirotaka Ikeda
004[Series] Great East Japan Earthquake Serial Report 2 Life in Temporary Housing
The Transfer and Reuse of Temporary Housing in Fukushima / Tomoyoshi Urabe + Sei Haganuma

Special Feature
When "Architect" Is Called into Question ─Past and Present Self-Definitions

006[Preface to the Special Issue] What Is an Architect?─A Repeated Question

Part1 Architects and Postwar Japan
008[Interview] Accompanying Postwar Japan─Architects, Architectural Movements, and the Media / Keiichi Taira
012Repeating Divergence and Convergence in the Image of Architects─A Draft of a 40-Year Cycle Theory / Editorial Board

Part2 Genealogy of the Image of Architects in Modern Japan
015Ruskin' s Curse? / Yoshitake Doi
018Alternative Self-Images of "Kenchikuka" (Architect): From Sousha Kenchikukai to the Postwar Era / Yoshihiro Sato
020History of Unique Cooperative System in Research Institute of Architecture (RIA) with Some Reference to Expanded Horizons of Architects' Professions / Yosinori Date
022Masato Otaka, an Architect Who Never Stopped Being a Reformer / Kei Minohara
024Conflict between Kenchikushi and Architect in Japan─Law, Profession and Housing / Kiyotaka Hayami
026On Dividual Architects / Naohiko Hino
030A Bibliography for Reassessing the Image of Architects in Modern and Contemporary Japan / Editorial Board

Part3 Architects After 3.11
035The Present State of Architect's Function: Architects as Collective Intelligence / Kozo Kadowaki
038Archiaid, Architects Network for Post-Earthquake Town Reconstruction / Shoko Fukuya
040Essay for Community Architects / Yasushi Takeuchi
042From Architectural Engineer to Architect, Air Architect, and Ex-Air Architect / Toshihiro Sato
044Architects and Planners in the Recovery Planning Process After the Great East Japan Earthquake / Michio Ubaura

046[Editor's Postscripts] Akihito Aoi + Yasushi Takeuchi

046[Previews of Coming Issues] 2013, December|Struggling Architecture─The Architectural Ground Under a Transforming Earth and Society

047[Series] Issues in Architecture
The Trajectory and the Feature of Suburban Residential Area / Masayuki Ikezoe
048[Series] Why and How I Chose Architecture
One Photograph Changes Life / Shigeo Ogawa
049[Series] Architect Politician
A Challenge for Urban Regeneration by "Mr. Bristolian"─ George Ferguson, Mayor of Bristol, England / Yu Okamura
050[Series] Local Identities: Diverse Japan
Wood Workshop in Kashimo─ Connection Between Region and Students for Twenty Years / Masaki Fujimura